Health Services


3-D Scanning Guidelines

CT Scanning Guidelines

The patient must remain completely still during the scan. If the patient moves during the scan, it must be repeated. Use fine overlapping slices with sub-millimeter spacing and Helical CT. The following table outlines appropriate slice thickness and spacing combinations in millimeters:


Slice Thickness




 0.5 mm (or nearest to)

 0.4 mm

 Orbits, mandible, CTA


 0.75 - 1.25 mm               

 0.75 - 1.25 mm               

 C. Spine, L. Spine              


 0.75 - 1.25 mm

 0.75 - 1.25 mm

 Cranial Implants

 Large Structures

 0.75 - 1.25 mm

 0.75 - 1.25 mm

 Pelvis, Femur, Forearm


 0.5 (or nearest to)

 0.4 mm


Algorithm: Please provide at least a 'Standard' 2nd or 3rd Recon. 
Gantry Tilt: Zero. 
Dose: Follow protocol. 
Field of View (FOV): To include only the structures of interest to surgeon. For cranial implants, include the entire skull. 
Vascular Structures: If vascular anatomy is required, perform a CT Angiogram (CTA) with IV contrast administered by pressure injector. 

Cone Beam CT

Cone Beam CT images must be sent in DICOM format – NOT as proprietary files combined with the viewer software.

Cone Beam CT images do NOT give the same clean models as standard CT. DO NOT expect them to. We will try our best.

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Monday- Friday
7 a.m. - 4 p.m.


(301) 295-8594



President Zone
Building: 1, Floor: 4, Room: 4426
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