See how Walter Reed has addressed recent facility challenges.

About Us

Office of General Counsel

The Office of General Counsel is the legal advisor to the Director of WRNMMC and the Navy Medicine National Capital Area branch clinics.

In the Office of General Counsel, WRNMMC’s team of attorneys and legal support staff serve the hospital’s Director and staff members to promote the highest quality of care and services to our patients.

The Office of General Counsel provides legal counsel on numerous areas of the law including health law, patient rights, ethics, standards of conduct, administrative law, litigation support, Freedom of Information Act, and Privacy Act.


  • Health Care Law
  • Administrative/Civil Law
  • Labor Law
  • Investigations

Contact Us


Monday thru Friday
0800 – 1500


(301) 400-3702

Legal Assistance Appointments
(301) 319-7828
(301) 295-6052


Building 1, 6th floor
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