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Health Services


Medical Boards

Role and responsibilities of the WRNMMC Medical Evaluation Board service include ensuring the accurate and efficient processing of medical boards in accordance with directives, and other local, Tri-service instructions and guidance as applicable.

Medical Evaluation Boards (MEB)

This service processes Integrated Disability Evaluation System (IDES) Medical Evaluation Boards (MEB) that are forwarded to service headquarters or the Physical Evaluation Board (PEB) at the Washington Navy Yard, Washington, DC. It is the professional judgment of the attending physician and not the decision of the service member whether a MEB should be convened. Service personnel should know that the attending physician has a responsibility to both the service member and the military branch of service to dictate a medical board when the service member has incurred a condition, illness or serious injury that is considered unfitting. The PEB determines whether or not the service member rates a disability finding. SECNAVINST 1850.4 series governs this process. Realize that PEB decisions for active duty Navy and Marine Corps personnel are carefully secured.

Temporary Limited Duty Boards (TLD)

This service monitors active duty (Navy and Marine Corps) personnel who incur a condition, illness or serious injury that makes them temporarily unable to perform their assigned duties. For members of the Navy and Marine Corps, the period of TLD shall not exceed 12 months per career, cumulative, before the service member is either referred to the Physical Evaluation Board (PEB) for evaluation and a fitness determination is rendered or is returned to full duty.

If TLD originally is granted for 6 months, and extension or renewal is required, the military treatment facility (MTF) shall submit the request to service headquarters (Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command, Millington, TN or Commandant of the Marine Corps (CMC), Quantico, VA), as appropriate and await their approval/ disapproval disposition.

Temporary Disability Retired List (TDRL)

This service schedules service members who receive an unfit finding from the Physical Evaluation Board (PEB) of 30% or greater with a TDRL re-evaluation every 18 months as service headquarters may direct. The condition is considered temporary and must be evaluated periodically over a five-year period. Service Headquarters (Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command Millington, TN and Commandant Marine Corps (MSSR-4) monitor this process closely.

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Monday - Friday
0730 - 1600


(301) 400-0203


Building: 62 Floor: 2
Room 2040

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