See how Walter Reed has addressed recent facility challenges.

Patient Resources

Pastoral Care

We offer confidential spiritual care, consultation, and education to patients, families, staff, and students to promote dignity and enhance resilience and mission readiness. 

When you or a loved one is ill or undergoing a medical procedure, you may find strength in sharing your concerns with a chaplain. Confidential, compassionate spiritual and emotional support is available to people of all faiths and those with no faith at all. Chaplains care for all.  

We are ready to assist you in your time of need. Our team of multi-faith chaplains, contract clergy, volunteers and enlisted support staff provide support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, whenever the need arises. 

Patient Services

Chaplains serve on healthcare teams on every patient unit and are aware of many referral sources. 

Inpatient Visits

Chaplains make daily visits to all inpatient units, and are available for spiritual care, pastoral counseling, prayer, sacraments and other rites. You and your family can request a chaplain visit anytime during your stay. You and your family may also bring religious material for personal use, and request your own faith-specific minister to visit you. Please ask your nurse about gaining base access for your minister.  

Same-Day Surgery Visits

Call us to request a chaplain visit prior to surgery, or ask your nurse for more information.

Outpatient Visits

Call or visit our main office to request an appointment with a chaplain.

Other Services 

Chaplains can facilitate making connections for those from faiths other than their own. If you have a faith tradition not represented by our chaplains or contractors, we want to help you connect to that source of strength. Please contact us for assistance. 

We also provide:

  • Palliative Care Consultation
  • Closed-Circuit TV Ministry (available to inpatients)
  • Literature Resources upon request
  • Moral Injury Support 
  • Lay Eucharistic Ministers
  • Staff Resiliency Support
  • Licensed Pastoral Counselor (call 301-295-0500 for an appointment) 

Contact Us


Monday thru Friday
0730 - 1600


Main: 301-295-1510
DSN: 295-1510
After Hours: 301-295-4611, Opt 4


Main Office  
Outpatient Annex, Bldg. 85T, 2nd Floor

Meditation Spaces
The following spaces are available for quiet reflection.

Eagle Zone, Building 10 
Meditation Room, 1st Floor (near Clark Auditorium)
Healing Garden, 7th Floor

Arrowhead Zone, Building 9
Meditation Room, 3rd Floor (near Surgical Intensive Care Unit (SICU) Family Waiting Room) 

Outpatient Annex, Bldg. 85T
Chapel of Hope, 1st Floor
Pastoral Care Offices, 2nd Floor

Additional Information

Need a Caring Connection?
Join our Facebook group, or contact us anytime. Chaplains are on-call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Don't forget to keep your family's information up to date in DEERS!