Speech Pathology Clinic
We provide high-quality, patient-centered consultations, evaluations and treatment of speech / language / cognitive disorders, voice disorders and swallowing / feeding disorders for adult and pediatric patients. Initial access to the Speech Pathology Clinic is by referral or consult.
- Communication Disorder Assessment and Treatment
These are available in the areas of articulation / phonology, fluency / rate of speech, and language (both receptive and expressive), which may include aphasia, language learning disability, dysarthria, apraxia, or stuttering/cluttering. We also address pragmatics, or social speech disorders.
- Feeding / Swallowing Assessment
Subjective clinical evaluations as well as objective instrumental swallowing evaluations are offered. The instrumental swallow evaluations we offer are Modified Barium Swallow Studies and Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallow (FEES).
- Cognitive-Communication
We offer cognitive evaluation and therapy that includes deficits in memory, planning/organizational skills, and task monitoring. Such deficits can be caused by varied etiologies to include Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and stroke.
- Voice Disorders
Voice treatment is coordinated with Otolaryngology to provide assessment and treatment of dysphonia and aphonia. Perceptual and acoustic voice measures are obtained along with laryngeal videostroboscopy evaluation of the vocal folds. Special voice therapy programs are offered such as the Lee Silverman Voice Therapy (LSVT) program for patients with Parkinson’s disease.
- Vocal Cord Dysfunction (VCD) /Paradoxical Vocal Fold Motion (PVFM)
We use a multidisciplinary approach to evaluate and treat VCD/PVFM, including Pulmonology, Otolaryngology, Allergy and Behavioral Health clinics.
- Accent Modification / Reduction Training
Although accent is not considered a speech disorder, we provide limited evaluation and therapy to address accent modification / reduction when the active-duty military member’s job performance is negatively impacted.
- Fitness for Duty Communication Evaluation
Consults are accepted from military medical boards or physicians to evaluate a military applicant’s articulation / fluency / voice upon request. The clinic also provides support to military medical boards for assessments in the areas
- Inpatient Services
Inpatient referrals typically address communication and swallowing or feeding difficulties, though all services offered by this clinic are available for inpatients.
- In-Services
Education is offered in the areas of assessment and treatment for all hospital medical staff.
- Special Team-Approach Services (multidisciplinary teams)
Traumatic Brain Injury Team
Craniofacial Team
Vocal Cord Dysfunction Clinic
NICU High Risk Clinic
Trauma Team
ALS Team