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Designated Patient Entrances

Effective 16 August 2021

Due to Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations, we are adjusting our entrances to the main medical center complex (Buildings 1-10, and 19) for the health and safety of our staff and beneficiaries. The following entrances will be designated as patient entrances:
  • Building 19 (America Zone)
  • Building 5 (America Garage entrance)
  • Building 9, 2nd Floor Skywalk (Arrowhead Zone)
These entrances will be staffed during business hours by hospital personnel who will conduct verbal COVID-19 screenings. Patients will also be pre-screened via the appointment reminder call system. All other entrances will be designated as staff entrances and screenings will be self-conducted. Additional changes may be implemented depending on COVID-19 prevalence in the area and / or new guidance from OSHA or DHA.
Don't forget to keep your family's information up to date in DEERS!