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Health Services


Active Duty Medical/Dental Record


To obtain copies of your medical/dental records, please see the section below.


When you are ready to Separate/Retire, your Medical and Dental Record will be checked out to you. It is your responsibility to turn those records your Personnel Support Detachment for processing with your Retirement/Separation package.

Army/Air Force:

All Army/Air Force personnel are required to complete a DD 2870 (Authorization for Disclosure of Medical or Dental Information). Once completed and submitted to our office, the member’s Medical and Dental Record will be mailed to the separating or retiring member’s command.

Need Medical Information

All requests for medical information from third parties, such as insurance companies MUST be mailed to WRNMMC for processing. We do NOT accept faxed requests from third party companies.
Please be advised that there is a ten day turn around for the processing of third party requests.

Need a Copy of your Medical and/or Dental Record

If you are requesting copies of your medical or dental record, please be prepared to provide the following information:

  • If you are requesting via phone/fax/email, please fill out a DD 2870, and provide a copy of your identification (Driver’s License). Your military identification will not be accepted. If you are requesting a copy of your Behavioral Health record, please provide a seperate DD2870 specifically for it.
  • If you are making the request in person, proper identification is required (Military ID/Driver’s License).
  • Please be advised that there is a 30 day turn around for the processing and copying of your medical or dental record. In addition, our staff can provide up to two copies of your records, and any corresponding information contained within AHLTA (Armed Forces Health Longitudinal Technology Application).


Our Active Duty Health Records and Active Duty Dental Records offices are the central data repositories for Active Duty Health Records (ADHR) and Active Duty Dental Records (ADDR). ADHR and ADDR are the property of the United States Navy. ADHR and ADDR will remain within the confines of the ADHR and ADDR offices per MANMED Chp 16.

Using the Medical Readiness Reporting System (MRRS) and the Dental Common Access System (DENCAS), the ADHR and ADDR offices are responsible for tracking, recording, and reporting the Individual Medical Readiness (IMR) status for Active Duty personnel assigned to WRNMMC and its Branch Health Clinics (N00168 + 22 subordinate UICS).

The Directorate for Dentistry, Primary Care Dentistry and Readiness Departments, and the ADHR and ADDR offices also provide education and training for the tracking, recording, and reporting of IMR status for active duty assigned to tenants of WRNMMC, including:

  • Naval Medical Education and Training (NMPT&E)
  • Naval Medical Information Management Command (NMIMC)
  • Naval Medical Research Center (NMRC)
  • Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USUHS)
  • Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute (AFRRI)
  • NSAB Deers/ID Office
  • Naval Dosimetry Center
  • Personnel detailed to full-time training programs (i.e. fellows, residents, and interns)
  • ACDU personnel assigned to tenant commands that are served by our Branch Health Clinics

Contact Us


Monday- Friday  0700-1600

Telephone Number(s)

Front Desk:(301) 295-0644Third Party Liasion:(301) 295-2424

Additional Information

Building 7, Floor 2, Room 2600 

Don't forget to keep your family's information up to date in DEERS!