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Health Services


Peripheral Nerve Clinic

Peripheral nerve injuries are a leading cause of disability among patients in the Military Health System (MHS). Many peripheral nerve injuries respond favorably to therapeutic intervention, but require timely diagnosis and prompt referral to a specialty center. Treatment outcomes are more favorable the sooner you can receive intervention. We strive to improve the quality and efficiency of peripheral nerve care in the MHS.

Our Peripheral Nerve Program (PNP) provides comprehensive, multidisciplinary care to patients across the MHS. Our team of experienced and dedicated providers specialize in the management of peripheral nerve injury and provide the full spectrum of care required. 

Our PNP is comprised of board-certified physicians from Plastic Surgery, Orthopaedic Hand Surgery, Neurosurgery, Neurology/Clinical Neurophysiology, Pain Management, and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PMR), and is supported by occupational and physical therapists, as well as mental health providers. 

The diversity of our team allows for a broad perspective for evaluating and managing complicated conditions. Besides offering comprehensive, patient-centered care, our program also provides advanced clinical research opportunities in peripheral nerve injury management, and valuable training in the evaluation and management of Peripheral Nerve Injury students, residents and fellows.

The Peripheral Nerve Clinic is available once a month and requires a referral from a consulting provider. Referring providers and peripheral nerve injury patients can contact the Peripheral Nerve Clinic using the contact information below to coordinate a remote consultation for the purposes of screening for referral or questions about management.

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