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Health Services


Operational Deployment Health

Deployment Health Information

The goal of the Deployment Health Center (DHC) is to provide timely access to health screenings related to a deployment for all service members. The following deployment health assessments are required by the Department of Defense to be completed by all service members who have or will deploy. The guiding instruction for the DHC is DODI 6490.3.



All deployment health assessment visits require a PRE SCREENING WITH TECHNICIAN APPOINTMENTS

  • All members must be fully medically ready in the Medical Readiness Reporting System (MRRS) prior to making an appointment with the Deployment Health Center as outlined in SECNAVINST 6120.3.
  • Call to make an appointment or walk in for deployment screening
  • Same day service will be provided whenever possible
  • All deployment health screening are completed electronically
  • All Active Duty Members will arrive to Deployment Health Services in the proper Uniform of the Day, 15 minutes before their scheduled appointment time.
  • All Active Duty military will be required to complete an online DD 2795 (Pre-Deployment Health Assessment), DD 2796 (Post Deployment Health Assessment, if not already completed in theater), and/or DD 2900 (Post-Deployment Health Re-Assessment, 90-180 days for members deployed greater than 30 days OCONUS, with a unit/platform that lacked a fixed medical asset.)
  • Please bring any additional documents requiring a provider signature
  • Vital signs measured and recorded
  • Technician will assist with access to NEHC electronic database

Pre-Deployment Health Assessment (DHA): 30-90 days prior to departure

All service members going on deployment will complete an electronic Pre-Deployment Health Assessment - DD Form 2795

The purpose of this screening is to assess the current health of an active duty member going on deployment and determine if there are any health concerns that may interfere with the duty of that member while on deployment. This screening is done by trained health care provider (physician, physician assistant, nurse practitioner, or independent duty corpsman).

Periodic Health Assessment – A Periodic Health Assessment (PHA) is used to evaluate the Individual Medical Readiness (IMR) of active duty service members. Therefore, the member must be in a Full Medical Readiness (FMR) status before the Pre-Deployment Health Assessment appointment.

Post-Deployment assessment: 1-30 days after return from deployment

All service members returning from a deployment will complete an electronic Post-Deployment Health Assessment - DD Form 2796

The purpose of this screening is to review each service member's current health, mental health or psychosocial issues commonly associated with deployments, special medications taken during the deployment, possible deployment-related occupational/environmental exposures, and to discuss deployment-related health concerns. The PDHA is a face-to-face health assessment by a trained health care provider (physician, physician assistant, nurse practitioner, independent duty corpsman/medical technician). Positive responses require use of supplemental assessment tools and/or referrals for medical consultation. The provider will document concerns and referral needs and discuss resources available to help resolve any post-deployment issues. A copy of the electronic DD Form 2796 will be maintained in the individual's permanent medical record.

  • Serum Sample – A blood sample will be obtained from each individual no later than 30 days after arrival at a demobilization site or home station and forwarded to the DoD Serum Repository.
  • TB Screening – Personnel deploying to high TB threat areas require TB screening upon return in accordance with Service-specific policies.
  • Malaria Chemoprophylaxis – Personnel who have been taking malaria chemoprophylaxis during deployment must be evaluated for terminal malaria chemoprophylaxis upon return in accordance with Service-specific policies.
  • Redeployment Briefing – A Medical De-briefing on all significant health events, exposures and concerns will be conducted (ideally within 5 days prior to departure from theater)

Post-Deployment Health Reassessment: 90-180 days after return from deployment

All service members who have deployed will complete an electronic Post-Deployment Health Reassessment - DD form 2900

Phase I: Evaluates the safety of a new treatment on patients with advanced cancer not effectively treated with standard care. There are specific requirements for phase I trials. Participation may be approved on a case-by-case basis. will center on the members who deployed from MAR 2004 - present. 
Phase II: Focuses on learning whether a new therapy has an anticancer effect. members: those who deployed from 11 Sep 2001 - 19 Mar 2004 will be identified and offered the products and services of the Deployment Health Center.

All PDHRA will be a face-to-face encounter with both a licensed medical practitioner and a behavior health specialist. The purpose of this screening is to review each service member's physical and mental health status to determine if any deployment-related health concerns have developed since the initial Post-Deployment Health Assessment.

Recommendations for completing the Post-Deployment Health Reassessments, 3 months after a deployment, is based on research findings suggesting that some medical conditions are less likely to present immediately after a deployment.

The Deployment Health Provider will perform an examination, document health concerns, make appropriate referrals, and discuss resources available to help resolve any post-deployment health issues. A copy of the electronic DD form 2900 will be maintained in the individual's permanent medical record.

Don't forget to keep your family's information up to date in DEERS!