See how Walter Reed has addressed recent facility challenges.

Health Services


Medical Evaluation and Treatment Clinic (METC)

Our Medical Evaluation and Treatment Clinic (METC) provides services on a consultative basis to patients needing arthrocentesis, paracentesis, thoracentesis and lumbar punctures. These procedures can often be performed the same day if needed urgently, or appointments can be scheduled in advance. METC also performs perioperative evaluations and complicated follow-ups after a hospitalization.

In addition, METC can see patients who need extensive appointment times that require outpatient coordination with their providers for medical tests and care.

METC also provides acute care (sick call) for activity duty military, gynecological and dermatology procedures, and routine minor procedures. No referral required.

Contact Us


(301) 295-8778


Monday - Friday: 0730 - 1600
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