Patient Resources

Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) FAQs

Who is an Exceptional Family Member?
An Exceptional Family Member is a Family Member (child or adult) with physical, emotional, developmental or intellectual disability that requires special treatment, therapy, education, training or counseling.

How do I enroll in the Exceptional Family Member Program?
The service member contacts the Exceptional Family Member Program medical point of contact to begin the assessment process and obtain the enrollment forms. If your family member is seen for medical care at WRNMMC, your enrollment will take place at the Pediatrics Clinic, America Bldg (19), 4th Floor, Room 4430/4433. Once these forms are completed and turned in, they are forwarded to the appropriate service specific agencies that completes enrollment of the service member in the EFMP.

How do I disenroll in the Exceptional Family Member Program?
You will remain enrolled for as long as the chronic needs exists. Reasons to disenroll from EFMP include change in medical condition (resolved/no longer exists), or in cases of death, divorce, change in custody, etc. Please contact the EFMP office for the proper paperwork to disenroll the family member. The medical care provider must address why all previous annotated diagnoses are resolved. For all other cases, supporting documentation such as death certificate, dependency status or divorce decree must be included.

As an Exceptional Family Member Sponsor, am I deployable?
The EFMP has no impact on the deployment responsibilities of the sponsor. Overseas, unaccompanied elected tours, unit deployment rotations and standard deployments will be carried out.

Overseas Screenings- If my family member is enrolled in the Exceptional Family Member Program, can my family go with me overseas?
All family members wanting to travel overseas are medically/educationally screened for possible enrollment in the EFMP program. If the family member has any type of special medical, emotional or educational need that warrants enrollment, their packet is sent forward to Overseas Reassignment Exceptional Family Member Program for determination for availability of services. If services are available, family members may accompany the service member. However, accompanied tours are not guaranteed and do not have an impact on operational assignments, to include deployments.

Does enrollment have any impact on the service member's career?
Enrollment allows assignment managers at service specific agencies to consider the documented medical and special education needs of Exceptional Family Members in the assignment process. When possible, service members are assigned to an area where the medical and special education needs of the Exceptional Family Member can be met.
NSA Bethesda’s EFMP Liaisons can provide information, referral, recreational activities, educational, medical and family services needs.

What are the benefits of enrollment in EFMP?
Enrollment allows assignment managers to consider the documented medical and special education needs of Exceptional Family Members in the assignment process. When possible, service members are assigned to an area where the medical and special education needs of the Exceptional Family Member can be met.

Contact Us



(301) 295-4092
(301) 400-1688


TRICARE Area Office Director


0630 - 1600
*Closed on Federal Holidays


Building 19
Floor 4

EFMP Liaisons

Fleet and Family Support Center
Building 11
Floor 1
Room: 109
(301) 400-2542/3

Related Links

WRNMMC Army Family Member OSS Checklist

Additional Information

For Service-specific EFMP information please visit:
Marine Corps EFMP
Air Force EFMP


DD Form 2792
DD Form 2792-1
Don't forget to keep your family's information up to date in DEERS!