See how Walter Reed has addressed recent facility challenges.

Getting Care

WRNMMC Security Has Your Safety in Mind

Please note the services available and rules that keep our campus safe for all.

Security Escorts After Dark

Personal Security escorts to the parking lots are conducted only after dark and to the extent possible to provide maximum possible safety and security for our patients, visitors, and staff. During hours of darkness, call 295-1246 to request a parking lot escort. Give your location and identify the parking lot destination. An officer will respond as soon as possible but escorts are conducted when a police officer is available therefore wait may be necessary.

Vehicle Assistance

When available, WRNMMC Police will assist a motorist who has locked his keys inside a car, or who has a dead battery. If an officer fails to solve the problem, or an officer was not available to respond, the motorist will be referred to a provider of roadside assistance.

Firearms, Weapons and Dangerous Recreational Items

Reference: WRNMMCINST 5530.1, Chapter 10.

Firearms and Dangerous Weapons are illegal and prohibited onboard the WRNMMC installation, except for persons authorized to be in possession of the weapon while on duty. Legally registered personal firearms intended for recreational purposes and/or ammunition will be stored in the Public Safety Armory if approved by the Commander, WRNMMC.

Dangerous recreational items include: Pistols, rifles, BB guns, sling shots. bows and arrows, sheath knives, knives with blades exceeding 3 inches and any item that can inflict bodily injury or death. Switch blades, bowie knives, star knives, dirk knives, sand clubs, metal knuckles, straight razors, knives with blades over 3 inches, nunchakus, and martial arts weapons are considered contraband and will be confiscated.

Traffic Regulations - Authority for Fines

Speed limit is 20 MPH on campus drives and 5 MPH in parking lots and garages.

For parking, see Visitor Parking.

The WRNMMC Bethesda installation is an exclusive jurisdiction, meaning that State and Local Police agencies have no police powers within the boundaries of this installation. The WRNMMC (Base) Police are the "local police" and have full police authority on this installation. Law enforcement, including traffic enforcement is under authority of the Local Rule of court for the U.S. District Court of Maryland.

WRNMMC Police enforce traffic and parking laws and regulations on base and issue violation notices to offenders. Violation notices may be a warning notice or a U.S. Court Violation notice (DD Form 1805). The U.S. Court Violation Notice (DD Form 1805) will require payment of collateral (in the amount preset by the U.S. District Court for each offense) or require appearance in court (Court appearance is optional if a collateral amount (fine) is indicated and the mandatory appearance box is not checked. Further information can be obtained by contacting the WRNMMC Police at 301-295-1246.

Property Passes

Reference: WRNMMCINST 5530.1, Chapter 12.

To move or remove government property, a Property Pass is required by all activities and commands on the DON installation at Bethesda, MD (NAVSUP Form 155 and/or DD Form 1818). Patrol Officers of WRNMMC Police Division, under direction of the WRNMMC Security Officer, are authorized to examine property and check for possession of a property passes by someone carrying any item, in hand or in a vehicle, that may be government property.

Property Pass Procedures:

  1. Any person removing or transferring government property must carry a property pass with the property. If a person who is moving government property does not have a property pass for that property, the individual may be detained and the property can be confiscated. If it is determined that an unauthorized removal or theft of government property has taken place, the individual may be arrested.
  2. Personal property which may be mistaken for government property will also require a property pass. Such personal property will be confiscated and will not be returned until verification of property ownership can be determined.
  3. Property assigned, loaned, or leased to WRNMMC will require a property pass.
  4. Property being released to contractors, vendors or other agencies for repair require a property pass.
  5. Drugs, scrubs, government owned supplies and materials, furniture, and food stores are not authorized for removal and property passes will not be issued.
  6. One copy of the property pass will be placed on file at the Security Office for verification by dispatcher. A copy of the property pass must be kept with the property at all times. The issuing department or activity will keep a photo copy of the pass for their records.
  7. NAVSUP Form 155 will be centrally controlled by the WRNMMC Public Safety Department. The forms, which are sequentially numbered, will be issued to all tenant and WRNMMC activities by the Public Safety Department. Property Pass issuance will be recorded by activity name and sequence of numbers issued. This will reduce the opportunity for misuse of property passes.

Authorization to Remove Property:

  1. Service heads are authorized to approve the removal of government property, but ONLY property assigned to that department, for up to 30 days.
  2. Designated representatives of tenant activities and WRNMMC Directors or higher level are authorized to approve the removal of government property for 30 days or longer.
  3. NAVSUP FORM 155, or DD form 1818, is the only form accepted to authorize the removal or transfer of government property.

Lost and Found Property

  • Found Property - Turn in to the WRNMMC Police Office. It will be held in Lost and Found for three months.
  • Release of Property - Proof of ownership is required to claim any item.

Contact Us


Claim and Pick-Up
Monday - Friday (excluding holidays)0700 - 1530


(301) 295-1246


Building: 17 Floor: Basement
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