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Health Services


Pediatric Rheumatology

Pediatric rheumatology is one of the 13 subspecialties recognized by the American Board of Pediatrics that serves children with autoimmune and inflammatory disorders.

Rheumatic diseases target joints, muscles, bones and skin, and may manifest as arthritis, myositis or rash. If there are multiple target areas involved, the condition is called a systemic illness and it may affect internal organs such as the kidneys or lungs.

The diseases that are treated by our clinic include:

We believe children are special. This belief is the foundation of our positive spirit and the driving force behind our committment to encouraging schools and communities to give their best to support your children. The more you know about your child's illness, the better it is for your child and community. This website is designed to share insight, understanding and basic principles of rheumatology, and to provide tools for your direct involvement in your child's care.

All information contained within the Pediatric Rheumatology website is intended for educational purposes particularly for patients and their parents. Healthcare professionals are encouraged to consult other sources to confirm the information contained within this site. Patients should not disregard their provider's medical advice or delay in seeking it due to any content on this website.

Helpful Links:
Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis

Preparing for a CONUS-OCONUS Appointment
Planning Your Visit
Video Teleconference Appointment Instructions

Back to Pediatric Subspecialties

Contact Us


Monday thru Friday 0730 - 1600 

Telephone Number(s)

Main: (301) 295-4959 DSN: (312) 295-4959 Emergency/On-call: (301) 295-4611, Option #4, CDO Desk

Additional Information

Other Locations

Fort Belvoir Community Hospital, 1st and 3rd Monday of each month


Walter Reed National Military Medical Center Pediatric Subspecialty Clinic America Zone
4954 North Palmer Road
Building 19, Floor 4
Bethesda, MD 20889

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