See how Walter Reed has addressed recent facility challenges.

Health Services


Our orthotics and prosthetics lab will be undergoing renovations from December 23, 2024, through January 24, 2025. During this time, patient care will continue with limited capacity. Learn more>>

Prosthetics and Orthotics

Board certified orthotists and prosthetists at WRNMMC offer a full range of services using advanced state-of-the-art technology for design, milling and production of customized devices. We work with the best manufactures in the world to bring the best technology to our patients. We fabricate, develop, fit and adjust the majority of devices that our patients need directly within our lab. Eligible beneficiaries will be paired with an individual provider for specialty one-on-one care. Prospective patients will need to present a valid ID card and written prescription (must be prescribed within 90 days) for the service desired.

Appointments for Prosthetic Devices

To schedule an appointment within the Amputee Clinic, please call (301) 400-1482 or (301) 295-8958. For all other Prosthetic Appointments or to speak with your prosthetist call (301) 295-4866. Active duty amputees are seen with the highest priority.

Walk-In Services and Appointments for Orthotic Devices

Patients with valid prescriptions for orthotic devices will be seen at WRNMMC based on their Active Duty status and type of device needed.  See the table below for more information. Please note that changes to foot orthotic benefits and availability have changed as of March 2020. For any additional questions, please call the clinic at 301-295-4866.


Off-The-Shelf (OTS) Orthotics

Custom Foot Orthotics (CFOs)

Custom Advanced Orthotics

Types of Devices

  • OTS Items Needed for Sprains/Strains/ Fractures (Walking Boots, Slings, Splints, Compression Sleeves)
  • OTS Knee Braces (Knee Sleeves, Hinged Knee Braces, Straps)
  • OTS Items Needed for Pre or Post-Operation (Walking Boots, Splints, Slings)
  • OTS Foot Orthoses (Heel Cups, Wedges, Pads)
  • Custom Shoe Inserts
  • Custom Orthopedic Shoes


  • Custom Sports Knee Braces (ACL, PCL, MCL, LCL Related, Osteo-Arthritis Unloaders, Torn Meniscus)
  • Custom Spinal Bracing for Vertebral Fractures and Scoliosis
  • Custom Corrective Items (Pediatric Bracing, Foot Drop, Combined Knee Ankle Foot Orthoses (KAFO))

Patients Seen at WRNMMC

  • All TRICARE Patients with a valid prescription (Note 1).
  • Active Duty Service Members Only with a valid prescription (Note 1) from a specialist (Note 2).
  • All TRICARE Patients if the CFO is an integral part of a Custom advanced orthotic device with a valid prescription (Note 1) from a specialist (Note 2). (Limited by availability of appointments)
  • All Diabetic TRICARE Patients with a valid prescription (Note 1 & Note 3) from a TRICARE Provider.
  • All TRICARE Patients with a valid prescription (Note 1) from a specialist (Note 2).

How Patients Are Seen

Walk-in during clinics hours with a paper copy of the valid prescription.

Appointment Only. Patients must bring a paper copy of the valid prescription to their appointment.

Appointment Only. Patients must bring a paper copy of the valid prescription to their appointment.


Note 1:  All prescriptions must have been written within 90 days. Additionally, in accordance with TRICARE policies, all prescriptions for orthotic devices must meet Certificate of Medical Necessity (CMN) requirements or be accompanied with a CMN form. CMN requirements include that the prescription clearly states the following:

  • Type of device
  • Diagnosis or reason
  • Length of need (Capped DME items should cover no more than a 15 month period.)
  • Beginning date
  • Physician signature 

For more details on the CMN, please refer to TRICARE regional policy.

Note 2:  For Custom Devices, including Custom Foot Orthotics and Advanced Limb or Spine Custom Orthotics, prescriptions must be signed by an Orthopaedist, Podiatrist, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation (PM&R) Physician, Sports Medicine Physician, or DoD Physical Therapist.  

Note 3:  For patients with Diabetes, prescriptions must also certify that the patient is being treated under a comprehensive plan of care for diabetes and needs custom foot orthotics for at least one of the following health conditions:

  • Previous amputation of the foot or part of the foot;
  • History of previous foot ulceration; or
  • Pre-ulcerative callus formation, or peripheral neuropathy with a history of callus formation, foot deformity, or poor circulation.

Change to Custom Foot Orthotics Policy 

In March of 2020, WRNMMC adjusted their policy in regards to custom foot orthotics to adhere to TRICARE regulations. Even if you received custom foot orthotics from WRNMMC before, you may no longer be eligible to receive them again. Custom foot orthotics are generally not covered for Non-Active Duty TRICARE beneficiaries. Please refer to the TRICARE guidance for more information.

Contact Us


Main: 301-400-1382


Monday - Friday
7:30 a.m. to Noon
1 to 3:30 p.m. 


America Zone
Building: 19 Floor: 1
Planning Your Visit

NOTE: The best way to contact us is through the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal:
Walter Reed Prosthetics/Orthotics Messaging
Walter Reed Prosthetics/Orthotics Scheduling
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