See how Walter Reed has addressed recent facility challenges.

About Us

Facts at a Glance

About Walter Reed National Military Medical Center

  • We are the world's largest multi-service military medical center.
  • We have more than 2.4 million square feet of clinical space.
  • We have more than one million patient encounters annually.
  • We are the flagship of military medicine, also known as the President’s Hospital and the Nation’s Medical Center.


  • 243 Acres
  • 244 Total Beds
  • 7,465 Admissions Less Births (FY 2022)
  • 736 Total Births (FY 2022)
  • 102 Average Daily Census (FY 2022)
  • 4.54 Days Average Length of Stay (FY 2022)
  • 28,564 Total Emergency Department Visits (FY 2022)
  • 7,100 Total Staff Members (Approximately)

LEED Gold Certification Details

We received Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Gold certification for our America Zone and Arrowhead Zone Buildings, the second highest rating possible. The LEED building rating system promotes design and construction processes that improve the health and well-being of building occupants, as well as reducing negative environmental impacts of new construction. The America Zone and Arrowhead Zone Buildings incorporate the following:
  • The site storm water system is 25 percent better in preventing flooding downstream than required by code, lessening the medical center’s effects on local water pollution issues.
  • Covered parking and new landscaping camouflage cars and reduce the amount of hot pavement, which can upset the daily rhythm of natural habitats and systems.
  • Light pollution controls prevent the interior and exterior lighting from illuminating the night sky and unnecessarily spilling light onto adjacent plazas and buildings.
  • The heating, ventilation and cooling systems incorporate: efficient lighting systems; a heat recovery wheel that transfers energy between exhaust and incoming outside air, and allows occupants to enjoy 100 percent fresh air creating a more healthful environment with fewer infection control issues; high efficiency water cooled centrifugal chillers that save 21 percent on energy needs to heat and cool the buildings.
  • All interior materials were selected based on analyses of toxicity, performance and environmentally friendly attributes.

Smart Suite Technology

Our Smart Suites enhance communication and the quality of patient care by providing information to our clinicians, patients and their families in a real time environment that augments patient recovery. Digital signage outside the Smart Suites:
  • Better protect patient privacy
  • Helps track staff and equipment in real-time
  • Shows others outside the room know who is inside with the patient
  • Can display "do not disturb" notes, as well as information about the patient, including blood pressure, allergies, and whether they have a visual impairment or fall risk
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