Health Services


Radiation Safety

The Radiation Safety Officer and Radiation Safety Staff are the executive agents for the Naval Radioactive Material Permit (NRMP) for Walter Reed National Military Center (WRNMMC).

Our goal is to apply health physics and radiation safety expertise to regional Navy and Army wide issues while training the next generation of Health Physicists and Radiation Safety Soldiers, Sailors and technicians while ensuring full compliance with the regulatory requirements of the Naval Radioactive Material Permit.


  • Area Survey and Personnel Radiation Exposure Monitoring
  • Radiation Safety Training
  • Radiation Waste and Storage Monitoring
  • Radiation Safety Program Support

Contact Us


Office: Monday-Friday: 0730-1600
Dosimetry in/out processing: Tuesday and Thursday: 0900-1000


Main: 301-295-1043
Radiation Safety Officer/Chief: 703-901-6705
24-Hour Line: 240-751-5240


Building 85T Floor 2
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