

The Walter Reed Education, Training & Research Directorate leads the Military Health System (MHS) in the provision of education, training, and staff development requirements to ensure providers, nurses, medics, corpsmen, airmen and all identified personnel in the National Capital Area posses the necessary clinical and technical skills to sustain the force.

WRNMMC provides superior education and training for active duty reservists, civilian personnel, and volunteers. We create innovative, evidence-based learning opportunities that enable the success of personnel in their operational and clinical roles. We also engage in valuable research and clinical studies to benefit our patients within the MHS and beyond.

Contact Us

Education, Training & Research


Monday thru Friday 0730 - 1600

Telephone Number(s)

Main: 301-319-5209

Additional Information

Heroes Zone
Bldgs. 3 & 5
Don't forget to keep your family's information up-to-date in DEERS.